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Unknown Works designs green energy gallery at the London Science Museum

The London and Hong-Kong-based architecture firm presents ‘Energy Revolution’, illustrating the urgent need for decarbonisation to safeguard our planet’s future.


2 min read

Photography: Ståle Eriksen

New to London’s Science Museum, ‘Energy Revolution: The Adani Green Energy Gallery’ was conceived and brought to life by creative architecture, design and art studio Unknown Works. Offering free admission to the public, the gallery’s mission is to illustrate how the past, present and future of energy systems are shaped by human imagination and invention, a message which is communicated through a series of interactive (and, of course, sustainable) installations. The 800 sqm gallery was realised using recycled and repurposed materials from the museum group’s object store, in response to the often-wasteful nature of exhibition design – particularly those that are not permanent fixtures and erected on a short-term basis.

Opening its doors to the public in April 2024, the gallery explores ‘this century’s defining challenge’ through the lens of imagination. This is represented across three different sections: in Future Planet, visitors are shown how climate scientists use mathematics and computer-based models to understand our planet and predict the varied climate futures that could lie ahead. In Future Energy, Unknown Works explore how technology (and the people behind them) can reimagine the way energy is supplied – featuring historic artefacts to emphasise the current transition away from fossil fuels. Finally, Our Future looks forward to a new world currently in progress, featuring children’s ideas of how we could create greener energy paired with experts’ responses.

Tall, curved walls of stained red marine plywood sit at both the entrance and exit of the gallery, while each of the display plinths have been arranged to point towards a central core: here, visitors can experience a kinetic sculpture, Only Breath, created by artists Alexandra Carr and Colin Rennie from Torus Torus Studios. Interactivity is encouraged throughout, starting with a ‘candle moment’ at the entrance (a lone, pulsating lightbulb reminding us of our essential need for energy) to an imposing, full-height solar mirror previously used as a parabolic reflector trough. Each striking exhibit is therefore designed to encourage meaningful conversations and spark curiosity, as well emphasise the need for the collective action needed to achieve a sustainable future.

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